Fujino Workshop for Art
Fujino Town is famous for being an artists' colony created by artists who evacuated Tokyo during wartime, and at present 50 artists are in residence, The town had been developed economically through art and the Fujino Workshop for Art was planned as a facility symbolic of this. Known as a facility in which profuse sensitivity and creativeness can be nurtured during stays through the experience of art and nature, it is very popular with all, from young families to groups of senior citizens.
- 名称 :
- 藤野芸術の家
- 用途 :
- 宿泊研修施設
- 竣工年 :
- 1995
- 所在地 :
- 神奈川県
- 建築主 :
- 神奈川県
- 構造 :
- RC造一部SRC造
- 規模 :
- 地上5階
- 敷地面積 :
- 26,160m2
- 延床面積 :
- 5,422m2
- Name :
- Fujino Workshop for Art
- Use :
- Accommodation training facility
- Date of Completion :
- 1995
- Address :
- Kanagawa Pref.
- Order owner :
- Kagawa Pref.
- Construction :
- Scale :
- 5 stories above ground
- Site area :
- 26,160m2
- Total floor area :
- 5,422m2