Kugenuma House
This small house is located in a residential area of a seaside city. The house is in the shape of a deformed cross with as much green as possible placed in the surrounding area. The second floor is a single room comprising a living area and kitchen, and the first floor a private room, bedroom, and bathroom. The house makes use of rafters and is a bright, yet relaxing, living space.
- 名称 :
- 鵠沼の家
- 用途 :
- 住宅
- 竣工年 :
- 1990年
- 所在地 :
- 神奈川県
- 構造 :
- W造
- 規模 :
- 地上2階
- 敷地面積 :
- 147.28㎡
- 延床面積 :
- 117.57㎡
- Name :
- Kugenuma House
- Use :
- residence
- Completion year :
- 1990
- Address :
- Kanagawa pref.
- Construction :
- Wood
- Scale :
- 2 stories above ground
- Site area :
- 147.28
- Total floor area :
- 117.57