幼保連携型認定こども園と児童クラブの複合施設。園庭を包み込む L型形状の園舎の3階は屋上園庭を計画した。屋上園庭を設けることで園児と児童の外遊びを安全に分離することが可能となっている。
A Complex of Certified Childcare Center and Children's Club with Flexible Functionality through Creative Design of Building and Playground
A complex of a certified childcare center and a children's club. In addition to the ground level garden, a rooftop garden is arranged on the third floor of the school building. The rooftop garden makes it possible to safely separate outdoor play between preschool kids and the children.
The nursery rooms on the first and second floors face the deck terrace and each room has access to the outdoors immediately.
The hall is adjacent to the children's club room and can be used flexibly for both nursery and children's club use. The floor level of the children's club room is higher than that of the hall, with the intention of using the children's club room as a stage for events.
The school building and yard configuration can be flexibly adapted to suit the type of use, for example, by providing a dual-use yard that can be used as a parking lot during pick-up and drop-off times and as a school yard during the rest of the day.
The nursery rooms on the first and second floors face the deck terrace and each room has access to the outdoors immediately.
The hall is adjacent to the children's club room and can be used flexibly for both nursery and children's club use. The floor level of the children's club room is higher than that of the hall, with the intention of using the children's club room as a stage for events.
The school building and yard configuration can be flexibly adapted to suit the type of use, for example, by providing a dual-use yard that can be used as a parking lot during pick-up and drop-off times and as a school yard during the rest of the day.
- 名称 :
- こうわ認定こども園海田第二
- 用途 :
- 認定こども園
- 竣工年 :
- 2023年
- 所在地 :
- 広島県安芸郡
- 建築主 :
- 学校法人幸和学園
- 構造 :
- RC造一部S造
- 規模 :
- 地上3階
- 敷地面積 :
- 1,437㎡
- 延床面積 :
- 1,087㎡
- Name :
- Use :
- Kindergarten and Nursery school
- Date of Completion :
- 2023
- Address :
- Hiroshima pref.
- Order owner :
- Kowa gakuen
- Construction :
- RC,S
- Scale :
- 3 stories above ground
- Site area :
- 1,437㎡
- Total floor area :
- 1,087㎡