くにたち未来共創拠点 矢川プラス

Kunitachi Future Co-Creation Hub Yagawa Plus


「くにたち未来共創拠点 矢川プラス」は育つ・育む・共に過ごすを通してみんなが元気になれる市民のための大きな家、大きな庭をコンセプトに計画された施設であり、次の5つの空間により形づくられる。
① 目的がなくてもあそび・くつろぎに来ることができる「安心・安全な空間」
② みんなが集まれる「多様なイベントができる空間」
③ 行き止まりがない「回遊し、循環できる空間」
④ 1人でも大人数でも自分の居場所が発見できる「多様な場がつながる空間」
⑤ 発信する機能「表現し、発表し、発信する機能をもつ空間」

A large house and garden in the city

The "Kunitachi Future Co-Creation Base - Yagawa Plus" is a facility planned with the concept of being a large house and a large garden for citizens, where everyone can become energized through growing, nurturing, and spending time together. It is shaped by the following five spaces:

A "safe and secure space" where people can come to play and relax without any specific purpose.
A "space for diverse events" where everyone can gather.
A "space for movement and circulation" with no dead ends.
A "space where diverse areas are connected," allowing individuals to find their own place whether alone or with a large group.
A "space with functions for expression, presentation, and communication" that facilitates broadcasting and sharing ideas.
The large garden (Everyone's Plaza) is not only a place for citizens to relax but also an event space connected to the surrounding streets and shopping districts. The large house includes communal spaces, such as the "passage dirt floor" and "everyone's hall," that bring the outdoors into the facility. These spaces are designed for citizens to casually drop by throughout the year, fostering diverse activities and engagement with the facility.

名称 : 
くにたち未来共創拠点 矢川プラス
用途 : 
竣工年 : 
所在地 : 
東京都 国立市
建築主 : 
構造 : 
規模 : 
敷地面積 : 
延床面積 : 

Name : 
Kunitachi Future Co-Creation Hub Yagawa Plus
Use : 
Multi-purpose public facility
Date of Completion : 
Year 2022
Address : 
Kunitachi City, Tokyo
Order owner : 
Kunitachi City
Construction : 
S structure
Scale : 
2 stories above ground
Site area : 
Total floor area : 