Tsukuba Science Expo Children's Plaza
Wonder and Science Expo
This children's plaza, a facility exhibited by the government at the Tsukuba Science Expo, is situated at the center of the Expo site. It is divided into four themes. The first is “Garden of Wonder,” which serves as the entrance to the Expo. This area allows visitors to experience a mysterious. The second is a “Fun Tube,” which is a 270-meter long science exploratorium. The third is “Mechanimal” and the fourth is the “Japanese Archipelago Zone,” which recreates a portion of the globe at a scale of 1/100,000 using 36 meters of space. These play objects were placed according to play circular system theory.
- 名称 :
- 筑波科学万国博覧会こども広場
- 用途 :
- 博覧会施設
- 竣工年 :
- 1985年
- 所在地 :
- 茨城県
- 建築主 :
- 財団法人国際科学技術博覧会協会
- 構造 :
- S造一部W造
- 規模 :
- ー
- 敷地面積 :
- 30,000㎡
- 延床面積 :
- ー
- Name :
- Tsukuba Science Expo Children's Plaza
- Use :
- Expo facility
- Date of Completion :
- 1985
- Address :
- Ibaraki Pref.
- Construction :
- S/W
- Scale :
- ー
- Site area :
- 30,000m2
- Total floor area :
- ー